
The Event

On this page you will find more information about what it is The Event how it will proceed in the physical and no physical plans in Planet.

With this only as a preview, The Event It will bring the Liberation Planetary expected the thousand years for humanity and for our beloved Gaia, which will be no more control of the Dark Cabal on the planet and every living being will have their rights born secured such as abundant, high quality of life, return to full consciousness ( we will know who we are and assume our creative power) and the agree as a Galactic society. Gaia will be free from all attacks and have all your life restored.

This will be big time 3- D illusion(governments, fraudulent financial system, mental control, suffering, such as hunger, lack of clean water, energy and all black control) will cease to exist and the true freedom will be perpetuated all Gaia and her life.

In this videos you will learn more about The Event



On the physical plane there will be:

● The arrest of the Cabal (already started).
● The re-set of the Financial Systems.Disclosure – the release of ET information.The beginning of a new, fair financial system with prosperity funds for all humanity.
● NEW Government/Political system, Education system, Health care system, etc.
● Awakening of humanity slowly and gradually to the existence of positive non-terrestrial races and our galactic connections.
● Introduction of new advanced technologies.
● The release of spiritual growth and healing for every human being on the planet.
● There is much, much more to look forward to.

On the non physical plane there will be:

On the non physical plane there will be a big wave or flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun going towards the surface of the planet. (The galactic central sun is an object in the Sagittarius constellation.) It will be a flash or special kind of light from the Sun that permeates the earth and humanity. It will calm humanity in the light of love energy and end duality. It’s a magnificent energy not seen or felt before on earth. Everyone on earth will feel and know something has happened. It will be a surprise as to when it will happen, even for us. It’s never happened before. It will not be a major shock event, it will be a positive event.

With these major changes on our planet, we must have some precautions for a short time of 3 to 15 days:

What Can You Do “Before the EVENT”:

● Keep an extra 2 weeks of food on hand starting now.
● Make sure you and your loved ones have an up to date supply of any medicines that might be required.Keep extra cash hidden away at your home.
● Gas up your vehicle when the tank is 1⁄2 empty.
● Stay in touch with this website for updates. (Link for website here)
● Educate yourself, friends and family members.
● Join one of the 6 task force areas – on this web-site and assist in the liberation of our beautiful planet.
● Join the Weekly Event Meditation. (Link to guidance of weekly Meditation for The Event here)
The links below to see more details about The Event:

The Event - Part 1:

The Event - Part 2:

The Event - Part 3:

The Event - Part 4:

The Event - Part 5:

The Event - The five parts in audio(Português):

In this video you will learn more about the World Reset Imminent

Victory of Ligth!

We are Love in Acction!

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